Lauren Speed

TV personality Lauren Speed (IG: wore the 'Ostrich Feather Bolero' in Lilac by Ivan Young on the first episode of Match Me If You Can, which premiered on YouTube on April 21, 2021. Lauren posted a photoset featuring three photos, a photoset featuring two photos and two videos, and an additional six photos and two videos of herself wearing Ivan Young on Instagram and Instagram Stories on April 21, 2021. The posts went out to Lauren's 2.3 million followers, currently has 31K likes, and she tagged your brand in both of her main feed Instagram captions. Stylist AmbiKa Sanajana (IG: posted one photo and one video of Lauren wearing Ivan Young on Instagram Stories on April 21, 2021. The post went out to AmbiKa's 65K followers and she tagged @IvanYoungOfficial in her post.
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